Preparation for next lesson: Factorisation by Grouping (10 minutes), extending to class discuss work on 30 APRIL

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Unveiling the answers for ALGEBRA CHALLENGING QUESTIONS #1, #2, #3, #4


Class Practice (III) Our discussion on 24 APRIL

During the lesson, we looked at how (a) and (b) can be simplified using single fraction.

We learnt that while the approach could be different, both methods give the same answers (though they look different). We can also show how one answer is equivalent to the other.

For (c), the approach is similar to the following arithmetic example. When it is a product, we can expand the three factors in any order.

  • 2 x 3 x 5 = (2 x 3) x 5 OR 2 x (3 x 5) OR (2 x 5) x 3

[Wrapping up] Mensuration - Word Problems (Pyramid, Sphere, Composite figures)

We discussed the following questions during lessons. 

Below are the suggested solution, showing how the working should be presented: